Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015

Die Schrauben sind draussen :D

Mir wurden vor 5 wochen links die Schrauben normal rausgenommen und rechts wurde noch dazu eine platte eingesetzt, da der knochen nicht richtig zusammen gewachsen ist. Nach der OP hatte ich fast keine Schmerzen und war schnell wieder geh fit, immer noch mit den Vorfußentlastungsschuhen. Jetzt wäre es mir schon erlaubt mit normalen schuhen zu gehen, ich hab aber leider das Problem das mein rechter Fuß stark anschwillt wenn ich mit normalen gehe.. also an tagen an denen ich längere strecken überwältigen muss, nehm ich dann doch lieber die Vorfußentlastungsschuhe. Momentan darf ich schon strecken von bis zu 20 minuten geben, was für meine verhältnisse seit den letzten 10 monaten echt viel ist! Unten hab ich noch ein foto wie meine füße jetzt aussehen. Mit physiotherapeutischen übungen, wie zb dehnen und strecken des zehs durfte ich jetzt auch anfangen, da mein zeh ja bisher sehr steif war und fast nicht bewegbar war. Mal sehen wie lang diese Prozedur noch dauert, vielleicht bin ich ja die erste die die 12 monate grenze knackt ;-)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hello dear!
    How are you doing?
    I am so happy for you and to see that you are finally over this condition. Your foot looks beautiful and the result is amazing. It looks like you never had the condition.

    I live in Austria but I speak and write a little German. My German knowledge is much better at reading and listening to people. It takes much time and thinking for me to create my own words to speak or write. I hope you don't mind that I am writing you in English.

    I have being living with this condition for 25 years and it has affected me A LOT psychologically. I don't date and I always wear closed shoes even in hot summer. I get ugly stares from people especially kids whenever I have the courage to wear open foot wears. I remember one experience I had at the subway/metro in Vienna. It was so embarrassing that I cried. That was the last time I ever went out in flip flops.

    I want to correct this condition not only because it is affecting my self-esteem but because it also causes me tremendous foot pain when I walk long distances, the discomfort is unreal.

    Please could you be so kind to give me the details of the surgeon that corrected it. I have it on both feet and also on the fourth toes. Was the cost covered by your insurance or did you have to bear it on your own? If yes, please if I may ask, I don't mean to be rude but how much did it cost you?

    Please help a sister out, I wish I could share the pictures of my feet with's ugly and I feel sooooo ashamed of it. You are really brave and your story is inspiring. I wish to be able to correct this condition will be the best thing ever.

    I will really appreciate a reply from you. Thanks for your time.

    1. Hey! Sorry for answering so late, I was very busy (christmas time ^^). If you want to then you can write me an email and I will give you more informations about the doctor and hospital ect.. but it was nearly free, the operation was covered by my insurance ( i have a normal insurance, nothing special) but i had to pay for some doctor appointments, crunches and so on.. all in all it cost me 300€,which was totally worth it.
      I can understand your feelings about your feet... i hope I could help you and you will write me an email :-)
      My email is :

    2. Also you can send my a picture of your feet if you want to :) very happy to hear these words from you and I hope that I will be able to help you..
      I wish you all the best and hope that i will hear from you!
